Lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast
Lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast

lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast

There wasn't much to the music, I don't think they wanted us to concentrate on it anyways the chemistry between the leads was impeccable, the Alphabet group gave me the thrill I was looking for and the cute police officer friends were worth loving. Some people felt like cold faces relationship with the little nurse was out of place but I think it was okay, they were quite cute.Īll in all, the characters were good. Cold face, little hacker and the other cute guy were really nice characters that you'll grow to love so much. lets not forget their leader Doctor forensic chef guy) LOL. (The Artist, Bomb boy, chemical guy, child bride, professor mind games, hacker and Sniper. I was particularly attached to each of them and I even came up with cute villain names for them. Each of them were amazing in their own way, the actors were really good especially Zhao Yi Qin who took the role of M. I never wanted him close to the female lead, but the SML syndrome hit right at the end of the drama.

Lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast serial#

I found him way more attractive when he was in serial killer S mode than when he was doctor forensic chef guy. Towards the end however, my animosity for him changed to a sort of attraction. All our suspicions were eventually proven to be right and even expanded as he just happened to be the founder of the most psychotic serial killing group ever. from the onset of the drama, he already gave us very off vibes. Now lets talk about the most controversial character in this story Xu Si Bai also known as S ( I personally call him doctor forensic chef guy). He's an upright man and quite the family man too.

lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast

Although he is tease of a man and a big headed prick, he is very loyal not only to his lover and friends but also to his job. his character as Han Chen was really good. I absolutely hated Johnny Bai mainly because of his character in Love O2O, more reason why I didn't want to watch this drama but I did fall in love with him eventually. The male lead had a very masculine charm to himself. (PS: you'll get used to the heels eventually, it's like a super power). Her relationship with the male lead was also amazing. I feel like I could relate so much with her character because it oddly reminded me of myself. I noticed that her sassiness annoyed people but I think that is where most of her charm came from. It's obvious the author wanted her to be smart and intuitive but also have a soft and sassy side. the story is really good and we don't expect any less from the author of love me if you dare and when a snail falls in love. In fact, it made the drama much more interesting for me. The story was filled with a lot of plot holes and in the process of trying to give us suspense, the author may have gotten a tad bit too excited but it wasn't anything bad enough to ruin the drama.

lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast

If you have read my previous reviews of the other seasons, you'll notice that my rating for this drama became higher because it met my expectations properly.

lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast

I will now give my final judgement for this drama

Lost girl season 3 episode 2 cast